Insurance companies are in the business of making money. To do that, they take in as much money in premiums as possible and pay out as little as possible in claims. One of the ways they do that is by delaying, denying, and underpaying valid claims. They will do whatever it takes to save themselves money, even if it means leaving policy holders high and dry. This is why it's so important to have an experienced attorney on your side when dealing with an insurance company. An attorney will level the playing field and make sure you are treated fairly. So if you're ever in a position where you need to file an insurance claim, don't go it alone. Hire an attorney to protect your rights and get the compensation you deserve.
1. The insurance company is NOT looking out for the best interest of you or your family. They are ONLY concerned with their "bottom line," keeping as much money for themselves as possible. This means they will often lowball customers on settlements or deny claims altogether. They may also cancel policies if they feel that the customer is too much of a risk, regardless of whether or not the customer has actually done anything wrong.
2. The workers' compensation system can be very complicated, with many potential pitfalls along the way. The attorneys at Oxford Lehr, PLLC will help you avoid those pitfalls and maximize your benefits and the settlement at the end of your case. We will work with you to understand your case and build a strong argument for why you deserve the maximum possible settlement. We have a proven track record of success in workers' compensation cases and will use our expertise to fight for you.
3. NEVER sign or accept anything without first talking to an attorney; remember, the insurance is NOT your friend. After an accident, it is crucial to be very careful about what you say and do. The last thing you want to do is give the insurance company any reason to deny your claim. One of the most common mistakes people make is signing a release without first consulting an attorney. A release is a legal document saying you will not sue the other party or their insurance company. Once you sign a release, you may be unable to recover any additional compensation, even if it turns out that your injuries are more serious than initially thought. That is why it is always best to speak with an attorney before signing anything after an accident.
4. NEVER settle your case without first talking to an attorney. Accepting this settlement offer may be tempting to put the whole ordeal behind you. However, you should always consult with an attorney before taking any settlement. In most cases, an attorney will be able to get you much higher compensation than you would be able to obtain on your own. Additionally, the cost of hiring an attorney is often more than covered by the increase in the value of the settlement. As a result, it is usually in your best interest to have an attorney represent you in any personal injury case.
5. NEVER take any type of legal or medical advice from an insurance company – again, they are NOT your friend. Their goal is to minimize their own liability, not to get you the best possible outcome. The same is true of medical advice. Insurance companies are not staffed with medical experts; their primary concern is reducing costs and not providing you with the best possible care. So if you need legal or medical advice, be sure to consult with a qualified professional – not your insurance company.
NEVER accept "no" as an answer from the insurance company without talking to us first.
Call the attorneys at Oxford Lehr, PLLC at (918) 884-6016 if you have any questions for a FREE consultation.